How to Check Your NCCP Coach Certification

Before reaching out to the office, please follow the steps below to check you NCCP certification. 

STEP 1. What Certification Do I Need?

First, visit the Coach Certification section of our website to determine which certification you require for your role.

STEP 2. How to Check Your Certification? 

  1. Go to the Coaches Association of Canada (CAC) website.

  2. Once logged in, follow these steps:

    • Click on Profile (located at the top right corner).
    • Select the Certification tab to view your complete certification transcript. 

STEP 3. What Should My Locker Transcript Show for Softball Certification?  

After identifying the required certification on our coach certification page, check your transcript to see what you have already completed.

  • Community Coach Trained: Your transcript should show:
    If it shows "In Training", you haven't completed all the requirements yet.

  • Competition Introduction Certified: Your transcript should show:
    If it shows "Trained", additional steps are needed to achieve certification.

  • Competition Introduction Trained: Your transcript should show:
    If it shows "In Training", you're still in the process of completing the certification.

What If I Can't Log Into The Locker?

  • The login page allows you to use either your NCCP # or email address as your username.

    • Forgot Your Email?
      Use your NCCP # to log in.

    • Forgot Your NCCP #?
      Use your email address as the username.

    • Forgot Your Password?
      Click "Forgot Your Password" to reset it using your email address.


  • If you used an old email address:
    You can still log in using the old email if you remember your password. After logging in, go to Profile and update your email address.

  • Contact the office only if:

    • You cannot reset your password because you no longer have access to the old email associated with your Locker account. 

STEP 4. Ensure 'Respect in Sport' Appears on Your Locker Transcript 

Your transcript should show that you have completed Respect in Sport training.

If 'Respect in Sport' is Missing from Your Transcript:

  1. Log in to the Respect in Sport website.
  2. Click the Profile tab (top left corner) and check the following:
    • "Communication to the NCCP" is enabled.
    • Your NCCP # is entered.
  3. Under the Associations tab, ensure that Softball is selected.
  4. Click "SAVE NOW" to confirm your updates.