How to Check Your NCCP Coach Certification
Before contacting the office, please read the information below.
STEP 1. What certification do I need?
STEP 2. Where Do I Check Which Certification I Have?
Go to the Coaches Association of Canada (CAC) website. Every coach should have an account on this website and can log in to check what certifications you have completed in the CAC Locker HERE.
Once you are logged in, click ‘Profile’ near the top right. Then click the ‘Certification’ tab to view your whole certification transcript.
STEP 3. What Should My Locker Transcript Say for Softball Certification?
Once you have gone to our coach certification page and you have figured out what certification you need, you will be able to look at your transcript to see what you already have.
If you need to be Community Coach Trained your certification should say "SOFTBALL COMMUNITY SPORT - ONGOING PARTICIPATION: TRAINED.” If it says, “In Training” you have not completed everything yet,
If you need to be Competition Introduction Certified it will say “SOFTBALL COMPETITION - INTRODUCTION: CERTIFIED” If it says “Trained” you have not completed everything yet.
If you need to be Competition Introduction Trained your Softball certification should say: “SOFTBALL COMPETITION - INTRODUCTION: TRAINED” If it says “In Training” you have not completed everything yet.
What if I Cannot Log into the Locker?
- The log in page allows you to use your NCCP # or your email address for your username.
- If you do not remember which email you used for your account, use your NCCP # as your username.
- If you do not know your NCCP #, use your email address as your username.
- If you do not know your password, click ‘Forgot Your Password’ to use your email address to reset password.
- If you used an old email address for your Locker account: If you know your password, you can still use the old email address as your username to log in. Once logged in, click ‘Profile’ and update the email address on your account.
- Please only contact the office for login issues if you cannot reset your password because you use an old email address on your Locker profile that you no longer have access to. In this case, we should be able to update the email address on your account for you.
STEP 3. Ensure 'Respect in Sport' Appears on Your Locker Transcript
Your transcript on The Locker should show Respect in Sport training.
Log in to the Respect in Sport website HERE and click the ‘Profile’ tab near the top left and CHECK FOR THE FOLLOWING 2 THINGS:
- “Communication to the NCCP” is ALLOWED, and you have entered your NCCP #
- Click the ‘Associations’ tab and ensure ‘Softball’ is checked off
Click ‘SAVE NOW’ to these updates.