Coaching Resources

Purchasing Products

To purchase any of our products, visit Softball Saskatchewan's Store on our website!

First aid supplies are available from the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan. For inquiries call toll free at 1-888-350-5558.

Resources and Books

For additional resources and books, visit the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA) website at

SPRA offers access to print, electronic, and audiovisual resources through its province-wide library service.  You'll find valuable information on topics such as sports coaching, training and physical education. For more details, explore SPRA's Information and Research Services on their website at

Available Materials

Item    Price (GST included)
Softball Canada Rulebook   
Scorebook (25 games per book) $15.00 - Purchase through our store!
Line Up Cards (20 per book)   $15.00 - Purchase through our store!
Timbits Softball Manual  
U13/U15/ U17 Coaches Guide     
Athlete Development Matrix (ADM)  
Long Term Player Development (LTPD)