Softball Canada's Athlete Development Matrix (ADM)

What is an Athlete Development Matrix (ADM)?

An Athlete Development Matrix (ADM) is an outline of the skills and attributes of athletes progressing through each stage of development to provide the greatest probability of success to the individual as they mature - not just with athletic success but also participation for health and social benefits. 
ADM thoughtsSoftball Canada’s ADM is a document to help guide coaches and steer the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) content. It lays out in great detail what a player should be able to do at each stage of their Long-Term Athlete Development. Softball’s ADM tries to ensure that players do not miss critical skills early in learning the game -therefore leading to more successful softball development.



Who is it for?

The Athlete Development Matrix is a document designed to help guide coaches and administrators as they work together to develop athletes and is the foundation in which Softball Canada aligns its various resources including coach certification and athlete program development. For parents the ADM should act as a directory of skills that their child’s coaches will be teaching them throughout the season.


The ADM is NOT a “cookbook” for high performance excellence, but rather a guide to developing all players to maximize their enjoyment of the sport - and to ensure that those players who have the talent and drive to become World Class Athletes   have the necessary fundamental foundation by learning the correct skills at the appropriate stage of development. 

The Softball Matrix was developed by Softball experts, in consultation with experts in adolescent growth, development, and sport performance. The Softball Matrix is based on the generic Sport for Life Athlete Development Matrix.

To download your FREE copy, just click HERE!

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